Monday, 4 March 2013

How Can I Melt My Man’s Heart | By Is Randall Bennett's Relationship | Does It Really Work?

If You Want To Save Your Marriage - With The Melt Your Man’s Heart?

With the divorce rate in America at well over 50% for a couple of decades now, it almost seems that making a marriage work is an uphill battle, sometimes with only one side actually doing the fighting.  It does explain the various marriage counseling techniques that many psychologists and therapists use, but what about for those people who can’t afford expensive therapy sessions or just can’t drag their husbands to them?

Well, the good news is that there is a new book out by Randy Bennett, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with a Masters in counseling (MA) who is also a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) who has been saving couple’s marriages for over 25 years now.

His new eBook is called Melt Your Man’s Heart and it is making waves across the marital counseling profession as one of the most peer-approved and groundbreaking marriage help books to hit the Internet in decades.

If you want to skip this review click here to enter to the official website.

What Is Melt Your Man’s Heart?
Melt Your Man’s Heart is a 136 page eBook that deals with many aspects of keeping your man interested in you and removing the negative wedges that women can sometimes drive between themselves and their husbands.  They do this with all good intentions in mind and also unknowingly, but the results are the same: it seems that no matter what you try with your husband, he is cold, distant and unresponsive.

But the real problem is that your husband is only like this with you.  With others he is still outgoing and friendly; basically the same man that you fell in love with how ever many years ago you were married (this isn’t a program strictly for newlyweds or long-time couples; it works for everyone).  What’s worse is that he seems to treat other women the way he used to treat you, but no matter how carefully or tactfully you try to approach the subject, the answer is the same: no interest.

So, what the heck men want in a woman!!??

How Does It Work?
This lack of interest goes across the boards and once started in one category, it permeates over into every aspect of your life: from social to conversational to emotional to sexual.   The problems can start in any of these aspects and slowly take over each and every part of your relationship until you feel alone and unloved in an almost unbearable situation.

But with this guide, creator Randy Bennett breaks down the common misconceptions that you may have about yourself and your husband, allowing you to tear down the barriers in communication between the two of you with psychologically sound methods that are guaranteed to produce results.

You will learn many ways in which you are subconsciously driving the wedge between your husband and you, causing him to act cold and distant.  The thing is: it’s not your fault.  We’ve been bred to think this way by a culture brought up on divorce and failed relationships, stemming all the way back to our parents and the television and movie shows that influence our behaviors.  By relearning the ways and keys to a healthy relationship, we are able to take back our love and be in control of our own destiny… and happiness.

What Do You Learn From The Guide?
The guide is split up into four major sections which allow you to slowly but surely work your way back into your husband’s mind and eventually have him fawning all over you as if you were falling in love all over again.

  • Exploring why some relationships work while others fail and learning from the success stories.
  • Learning the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to recognize which type of relationship you’re in and how to fix it if need be.
  • Learning different ways to spark and develop new and invigorating intimacy in your relationship to rekindle the romance.
  • Becoming the new woman that is inside you just under the surface, driving your husband crazy for you with passion and desire.

These four sections are comprehensive in their authority and provide step by step instructions that are applicable to every marriage; no matter what stage of deterioration it is at, no matter how unsalvageable you think it is.

But even further than that, you’ll learn exactly what it is that brought you to this point.  The Melt Your Man’s Heart eBook and program will show you why your husband is so unresponsive: it’s because men think differently than women.  So, all those self-defeating thoughts and efforts you are making are actually having a negative impact on your marriage.  Learn how to stop them right now and turn it all around today with this groundbreaking system.

Mr. Bennett discusses how we often self-sabotage our marriages by engaging in behavior that attempts to get our husbands to treat us better.  It ends up being self-defeating behavior, because we remain stuck in place, not progressing—and certainly not obtaining the positive reaction we want from our husbands.

Bennett says that based on his experiences there are 7 characteristics of a self-sabotage spiral.  These mindsets, beliefs and behaviors keep women from getting what they want:
  • If I keep doing/saying this…maybe this time he will notice/hear me.
  • Sugar and spice and everything nice.
  • All my requests make me look like a nag.
  • Don’t rock the boat.
  • He doesn’t think like me…but he should.
  • My husband will never change the way he treats me.
  • He is never going to open up to me.

He goes on to explain each characteristic in detail and later in the book provides methods to change these bad habits and trade unsuccessful patterns for good ones.

Try It Out Risk Free
When you made your vow ‘till death do us part,’ you took a solemn oath to give your marriage everything you have.  Be the person that takes that first big step towards regaining the love and romance back into your marriage.  Women know that it’s often up to them to nudge their men in the right directions in order for them to be successful; marriage is no different.

So, if you’re ready to save your marriage and get back that man you fell in love with all those years (or not so long) ago, click here for a risk-free, money back guarantee special offer.  You have nothing to lose… except the one you love.